Holding On and Letting Go

Unitarian Universalists are usually proud to point to our movement as a “living tradition,” and we like to think of ourselves as agents of change – until growth requires us to let something go, or someone wants to change something we like just fine the way it is. The Article 2 Study Commission has brought a proposal to the Unitarian Universalist Association that will require us to discern how we want to describe the covenant that member congregations make with each other – what will we hold onto, and what are we willing to let go as we evolve?
Rev. Lyn Marshall serves as the Minister of Lifespan Faith Development at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Concord, NH. She earned her Master of Divinity from the Meadville Lombard Theological School and became the first full-time intern minister  at Allen Avenue (with Rev. Myke Johnson as her teaching pastor) in 2014-2015.

This will be a single indoor service at 10 AM.

Masks are now optional, but encouraged.

You can download the Order of Service here.

The service will be streamed live via Zoom, using this link.

If you are unable to attend live, the service will be viewable on our YouTube channel later in the week. And consider subscribing to our YouTube channel to keep up-to-date with future uploads.

And if you are a member, you can contribute online to the offertory by logging in to Breeze and clicking Give Now in the menu bar.

Visitors and Friends can contribute by visiting our website and clicking on Donate at the upper right of the homepage or the Donate button at the bottom of the page.

Or you can simply click here:
