Carving Out Some Time

Greetings, church!

Blessings to you each and all this Thanksgiving morning. A complicated holiday for so many reasons. Whatever headspace you find yourself in today, please know I am thinking of you.

If you’d like to connect with A2U2 friends today, I am hosting a Zoom call from 10-11am for those without plans or who want to say hello before heading to a family or friend gathering. We’ll light a chalice, read a poem or two, and check in with one another. Just pop in or stay the whole time! We’d love to see you. Zoom link:

The holiday season is very much upon us. We shared apples and bread in our Thanksgiving Sunday harvest ritual last Sunday. Yesterday I dug out the Christmas Eve candles. And all week little UU elves have been scurrying in and out of the church preparing for the holiday fair, decorating the sanctuary for December, and more. And holy moly it is getting dark early. Yes, December is just days away.

I invite you to sink deep into the spiritual and contemplative nature of the holiday season this year. Try to carve out some time, if you can, to connect to that which feeds your spirit… a practice or ritual or tradition… time alone for thinking, reflecting, or prayer… committing to attend worship so you can sing in community… taking a break from technology when you are able. Be with the dark. The waiting and anticipation. In January we enter the year 2025… and a new administration in this country. There will be much organizing for justice, much resisting, required of us. This month, this December season, is for grounding. For deepening spiritually. For fortifying our hearts and feeding our faith for the work to come.

Our theme for worship this month is Words for the Beginning: Advent Reminders for New Seasons (learn more about the series here)As we move toward a new season, a new beginning come January, let us remember the ways in which we are blessed and equipped for all that we face. Our journey through holy darkness toward the birth of love and dawn of hope begins. I am grateful to be traveling alongside you.

See you in church, beloved.

In faith,

Rev. Tara