Just People

Dear Church –

It has been a heavy week for many of us. Executive Orders have been signed and words spoken to dehumanize, strip dignity from, and try to erase whole categories of the human family from our nation’s story. I wish I had the perfect words to say to make it all less terrible. But as I’ve said before, sometimes there are no words… just people. May we find solace and hope in one another.

There were many moments of hope this past MLK weekend. It was a joy to march with you on Saturday, reflect on bridge-building together on Sunday morning, and sing and weave together on Sunday afternoon (photo above- the result of the weaving ritual in our MLK service).

Another bright spot this week was the powerful homily preached by the Right Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde, Episcopal Bishop of the Diocese of Washington, to the President, his Cabinet, and many others at the Inaugural Prayer Service held at the Washington National Cathedral. Listen to the 15 minute homily here. Rev. Budde used her platform and her courageous heart to speak truth to power… to be a beacon of truth, love, and faith.

We will talk more about being a beacon this Sunday in worship, as we wrap up our three-part series The Role of the Church in these Times. We’ve reflected on being a BALM, a BRIDGE, and now… a BEACON. How are we, the Church, called to act as a beacon of belonging, love, and justice in these times? How will we continue living into this calling?

I hope you will join us Sunday in person or on Zoom. And read your Friday ENews for a variety of ways to get involved in our active and vibrant community of justice-making and spirit-tending. Your presence helps make us whole. See you in church!

In faith,

Rev. Tara