Greetings, all –
This week’s message is full of information about the opportunity-filled weekend coming up as we prepare ourselves for MLK weekend and Monday’s Inauguration. Take a look at what’s ahead and see where you can join in!
Saturday – Portland Peoples March (formerly Women’s March from 2016) beginning at Monument Square (10:30 gather, 11:00 speakers) and marching to City Hall (speakers at 11:30 include folks from Portland City Council, Maine TransNet, the Maine Women’s Lobby, and the Coalition for Palestine). After the speakers there will be a gathering at Portland High School for networking and connection. Rev. Tara & Julie Harrison will be gathered on the steps of First Parish UU at 10:30am to meet folks from A2U2 who would like to march with us.
Sunday- 10am Worship at A2U2! The second Sunday in our 3-part series The Role of the Church in These Times. Last week was “To Be a Balm” and this week is “To Be a Bridge.” 2pm MLK Service at First Congregational Church in South Portland, sponsored by the Portland Multifaith Clergy Group. 4pm Queer Community Conversations at A2U2 for LGBTQIA+ folks to connect and share.
Monday- MLK Day and the Presidential Inauguration. Noon – an in-person performance of The Malaga Ship: A Story of Maine and the Middle Passage by Antonio Rocha at Hope GateWay. Learn more info and reserve a ticket here. 7pm (virtual) Interfaith Service & Moral Mass Meeting– a time for people of faith, conscience, and good will to gather in worship, lifting a collective voice to be Prophetic, Pastoral, Prayerful, and in Protest.
I hope I will see you at one of these events or in church on Sunday. As we head into this next presidential term, a new chapter in our shared history, may we remember to hold tightly to one another and to lean into community, whether in person or virtually. This is no time to go it alone.
With you on the side of Love,
Rev. Tara