Short Days, Long Nights

Dear ones,

I hope this finds you warm and well on this soggy day. Thanks to Katrina for this photo from last Sunday which brings feelings of warmth and light!

My gratitude in advance to all those of you who have been working so hard to prepare for the holiday fair which is THIS Saturday! I hope to see many of you there for both volunteering and shopping.

And I hope to see you on Sunday, too! This week we mark the second Sunday in the season of Advent. Our service continues in the theme of Words for the Beginning: Advent Reminders for New Seasons. Last week’s reminder was “you are a blessing.” This week’s reminder? “We Can’t Go Alone.” We’ll reflect together on the myth of the individual and the power of community, in particular the power of religious and spiritual community, in our quest to live full, deep, meaningful and purposeful lives. We will light our second Advent candle, the candle of peace. And, as always, sing and contemplate, visit and drink coffee. At 2pm we’ll gather again to celebrate the life of longtime member Barbara Reed in the Sanctuary.

These days are short and nights are long. May you know you are held in the care of this community.

If you’re having a hard time and need an ear, please reach out. I will make time for you. Meetings for pastoral care and church business can be made using my online calendar. Until I see you, may you be well.

In faith,

Rev. Tara