Join a Hybrid Zoom Meeting

Select from the following list to locate scheduled Zoom Meetings

If you are sure the meeting Zoom link in this app is up-to-date,
use the Meeting or SEGs items to access it

If you are not certain, click on 'Breeze Events Calendar',
locate your meeting by day and time, and click the Zoom link in the calendar entry

You may also access a Zoom link by emailing it to
Then you can access the Inbox for a2u2meetings using the link below

If you are asked to login in to Breeze, and Chrome does not supply the credentials
they are ' / A2U2Meetings! '

If you have audio problems in Zoom, please see the Troubleshooting Guide

Breeze Events Calendar

A2U2 Sunday Worship

A2U2 Web Page

A2U2 Meetings - Gmail Inbox

Committee Meetings

SEGs and Other Groups

Peter's Personal Zoom Meeting (Test)