Submit News and Events
- Email all items to the Communications Committee. Deadline for newsletter submissions is noon on Thursday for publication the next day.
- In the subject line specify whether you want your item published in the newsletter and/or on the website. Keep in mind that a newsletter item should be brief and concise: who, what, when, where and a brief description. More in-depth information can be posted on the website with a link to the page from the newsletter article.
- You are welcome to include a photograph; whether or not it is published will depend on space considerations.
- Committees and event planners should appoint one person to submit items for their group to ensure consistency and accuracy and avoid duplication. If the person changes, whether temporarily or permanently, please notify the Communications Committee. Otherwise there may be a delay in publishing your item.
- For the newsletter:
- Items about non-church events are accepted and will be published toward the back, after items about church-sponsored events.
- Classified personal ads are also accepted. They will be published at the end of the newsletter and should be brief.
- Church-sponsored events are listed in date order, earliest to latest. In advance of the event you may want to submit a brief “save the date” item linking to a web page for the event. As the date of the event approaches, items can be specially highlighted and will appear closer to the beginning of the list.