Each week, we share one third of our offering with a local nonprofit to show our support for organizations whose work furthers the values expressed in our denomination’s Seven Principles.  We hope that Share the Plate will also bring a greater awareness to the community of Allen Avenue UU Church and Unitarian-Universalist values.

Share the Plate recipients for the 2024-25 church year:

July – Maine Chapter, Alzheimer’s Association (nominated by Rick Kimball)
August – Center for Grieving Children (nominated by Patricia Ellen)
September – Greater Portland Family Promise (annual contribution)
October – MUUSAN (annual contribution)
November – Window Dressers of Maine (nominated by John Howard)
December – Minister’s Discretionary Fund (annual contribution)
January – Project FEED (nominated by Sue Malcolm)
February – Maine Boys to Men (selected by Senior Youth Group)
March – Greater Portland Peer Services (nominated by AnneMarie Catanzano)
April – But Still I Am One (nominated by Naneen Chace-Ortiz)
May – MaineTrans.Net (nominated by Rev. Tara Humphries)
June – Oasis Free Clinics (nominated by Beth Miller)


Share the Plate recipients are selected by the Social Justice Committee from nominations submitted by members of the congregation, usually for nonprofits for which they volunteer or have some other connection. At each Sunday service, a brief overview of the month’s organization and its work is given to the congregation.


To make an offering online, you can give via Breeze and choose “Give to Plate”. Your offering will be shared with the organization for the current month.