Family Promise

Greater Portland Family Promise (GPFP), an affiliate of the national Family Promise program, aims to address the needs of families facing homelessness in the Greater Portland, Maine area. Through an interfaith network and connections with existing community resources, Family Promise provides housing, meals, case management and community for children and their families experiencing homelessness.

In July of 2017, Allen Avenue UU church welcomed our first guests in the GPFP program, a young couple with two little girls. We will be a host church for GPFP twice a year, for two weeks each time.

How You Can Help:

If you want to make a difference in the life of a homeless child, your talents are needed. Trainings are held regularly for new volunteers wanting to learn about this program.

For the stay of our first guests, in July of 2017, over 70 volunteers moved furniture out of the RE classrooms, made up inflatable guest beds, set up lamps on tables and hung curtains so that the rooms looked homey and inviting. They also provided breakfast and supper for our guests, played with the children and socialized with the parents. Each night of the family’s stay, two church members slept at the church, to be available to meet the needs of our guests and in case of emergency. Volunteers also helped raise money and solicit donations for the program.

For more information about volunteering for Family Promise please contact Carol Larson or Anne Marie Catanzano.

Carol Jenkins and Carol Larson with certificate from Greater Portland Family Promise


Read the Story of Family Promise at Allen Avenue.

Read a thank you letter from a guest family.