Unitarian Universalists (UUs) support the loving committed unions of both heterosexual and same-sex couples, and have advocated for the rights and protections of legal marriage to be granted to same-sex couples.
Where there is love, we find the presence of the holy among us. We believe this is no less true in the love between same-sex couples. We would judge relationships not by the gender of the partners, but by the quality of the love between them. Our church grants the blessing of a wedding ceremony to both opposite-sex and same-sex couples.
Our minister, Rev. Tara Humphries, will officiate for weddings of Allen Avenue UU Church members upon request. In the UU tradition, there is freedom to participate with the minister in creating a celebration that expresses your own deepest values and beliefs. Please contact the minister at (207) 797-7240 to request her participation in your ceremony.
Rev. Humphries is available to officiate weddings for non-members as well.