Preble Street Soup Kitchen
With the help of volunteers, the Preble Street Resource Center Soup Kitchen serves three meals a day, every day of the year to people of all ages—ranging from homeless youth to elders and immigrant families struggling to maintain independence on a fixed income—for whom food is scarce.
While the purpose of the Soup Kitchen is to provide nutritious meals, it is also an important entry point to services for individuals and families who are homeless or living in poverty. All of Preble Street’s soup kitchens are co-located with its programs, and caseworkers and outreach workers from collaborating organizations throughout the community can meet and engage with people in need of services.
How You Can Help:
Members and friends of Allen Avenue UU church and of First Parish UU Church in Portland prepare and serve food and clean up at Preble Street Resource Center Soup Kitchen at the evening meal on the fourth Tuesdays of the month from 3:30 – 6:30.
At least fifteen volunteers are needed each month to prepare and serve food, alongside the Preble Street staff, to over 300 clients. We also run the dishwasher, clean the pots and pans and mop the floors.
For more information on schedules and to get on our mailing list, please contact David Lourie.