What is the Role of the Church in These Times?
Beginning on January 12th, we will journey through a three-part sermon series in worship that attempts to answer the question: What is the role of the church in these times?
As we find ourselves beginning a new year and looking ahead to the inauguration of a new president, we face a deeply polarized nation, widespread suffering, the rise of dangerous and widespread White Christian Nationalist ideology. Why invest our time, energy, and resources in the church? What is the role of the church now, when so much is at stake?
Utilizing a framework articulated in a 2022 speech by Rev. Adam Russel Taylor, Executive Director of Sojourners, we will explore the role of the church as three-fold:
– To be a balm
– To be a bridge
– To be a beacon.
Let us begin this new year with a renewed commitment to our mission and to the purpose of our congregation. The world needs it. We hope you will join us!