The Share the Plate recipient for September is the Greater Portland Family Promise.

The Greater Portland Family Promise mission is to help families experiencing homelessness and low-income families achieve sustainable independence. GPFP partners with faith communities and other social service organizations to create a community-based response.

GPFP staff work collaboratively with each family to help them determine a plan to stabilize their housing and safety, and to address immediate needs. The goal is to keep a family stably housed in their own housing or, if eviction is imminent, to find a new housing situation as quickly as possible. Housing services span from emergency shelter and transitional housing, navigating the process of securing stable housing, move-in assistance, and good tenancy guidance for housing stabilization. GFPF also provides financial assistance, food & diaper distribution, and education & arts enrichment to supported families.


Family Promise is an annual contribution.


To make an offering online, you can give via Breeze and choose “Give to Plate”.