Elementary Ages
A Religious Education (RE) Program for children in pre-kindergarten through 5th grade is offered during the 9:00 AM service. Children join the congregation in the sanctuary for a brief time of shared worship, including lighting the chalice and doing a short reading. Children are encouraged to sign up in advance to volunteer for chalice lighting and chalice reading duties. Then, after a “Time for All Ages,” children are sung out by the congregation to go to their programs.
Our elementary RE program draws on a number of different curricula developed primarily by the UUA; the DRE, in concert with the RE Committee, evaluates numerous options each year to ensure that the curriculum is both relevant and fresh.
Children attend a program according to age group:
- The Chalice Children for children in preschool, pre-K and kindergarten
- The Green Team for children in 1st and 2nd grade
- The Blue Team for children in 3rd, 4th and 5th grades
Classes are taught by volunteer “Workshop Leaders” and “Guides.” Each Workshop Leader develops a learning experience based on the theme for a month, often incorporating special talents or personal interests, such as arts, music, gardening or foreign language.
A Guide stays with each team for ten to twelve weeks, acting as a consistent presence in the group, getting to know the children individually, and supporting the Workshop Leader’s planned activities.
The RE program runs from September through mid- June. During the summer, while there are no RE offerings, child care is available for children under 10, for those interested. Children are welcome to begin attending the program at any time.
If you and your child(ren) are attending for the first time, please accompany your child to their program space and fill out a brief registration form with the program volunteer.
Please contact the Director of Religious Education for more information.