Committee and Team Contacts
At Allen Avenue Unitarian Universalist Church, in Portland Maine, as at all UU churches, ministry and leadership are shared — and our volunteer committees and teams play a crucial role in developing and carrying out both.
Deepen your connections with others in the congregation by putting your skills and experience to work as a member of a committee or team! Learn more about our committees here.
Updated 4/1/2022
Building Committee: Dan Chase
Dawn Redwood Meditation Group: Connie Cross
Elder Salon: Kathy Gulrich
Family Promise Team: AnneMarie Catanzano
Finance Committee: Peter Reed
Food Co-Op: Terri Grover
Garden and Grounds Team: Sally Moon
Kitchen Minder: Celeste Stickney
Knitting Ministry: Suzanne Federer, Sue Malcolm
Men’s Group: Tim Vogel or Clay Atkinson or George Hixon
Newsletter Editor: Katrina Van Brugh
Nominating Committee: Sam Sherry
Pastoral Care Team: Barb Murray and Judith Moll
Personnel Committee (interim): Diane Oberbeck
Project Feed liaison: Delene Perley
Religious Education Committee: Karen Stevenson
Social Justice Committee: Julie Harrison
Spiritual Enrichment Groups: Rev. Donna DCarol Hayden
Website Editor: George Hixon
Worship Committee: Anna Noyes Benoit
Usher Corps: John Howard