Audrey B. Seale Service Program
Established in 2006 by a generous gift from Audrey B. Seale to the Allen Avenue Unitarian Universalist Church, the program funds young people to perform community service projects of up to one year in duration.
Who may apply
Applicants must:
- Be at least 14 years of age and no more than 24 years of age at the time of application.
- Have been active participants in a senior youth group of a UU church in Maine
- Provide documentation of their youth group activity from the Religious Education Director, Senior Youth Advisor, or other appropriate official of the church where the activity occurred.
Preference is given to those who have been active participants in the Senior Youth Group of the Allen Avenue UU Church in Portland.
Project guidelines
Proposals for ABS funding should be for projects that are consistent with and further the intents of the seven Unitarian Universalist Principles, including, but not limited to:
- Environmental improvement
- Community development
- Social justice
- Social service
Applicants should plan to devote a significant percentage of their time daily to their projects during the period that the project takes place.
Grant funds may be used for living expenses during the project period, transportation to and from the project site, materials needed to carry out the project, or other expenses directly related to realization of the project.
Before applying please read the Application and Selection Criteria.
For ideas on developing a proposal for a service project, please see Project Resources.
Related forms:
Please contact the Director of Religious Education for more information.