Civil Conversations Project
The Civil Conversations Project is part of our efforts at A2U2 to celebrate diversity, encourage spiritual growth, and promote social responsibility. We gather one Sunday a month to engage in conversations that reflect on the profound questions of meaning in our time, based on episodes of Krista Tippett’s On Being Radio Show. Members of the public are always welcome.
Krista Tippett started the Civil Conversations Project as a way to address questions at the intersection of spiritual inquiry, science, social healing and the arts. The project is a collection of audio and other resources for planting new conversations in families and communities.
As Krista says:
“It is up to us, where we live, to start having the conversations we want to be hearing and creating the realities we want to inhabit…. You and I have it in us to be nourishers of discernment, fermenters of healing….
“Fear is becoming this powerful, powerful force in our collective life. Some of us right now,
whoever we are, wherever we are, need to take on the vocation of just being calmers of fear.
What does that mean? If you calm the fear of one person or create spaces in your community
for something to be diffused, for some kind of encounter to be possible, that’s the most
important work any of us can be doing right now.”
Please join Co-Facilitators Barbara Murray and Mike Luce the third Sunday of each month from 12:30-1:30 in the Memorial Room at A2U2 for a conversation. The link to the On Being Conversation will be posted in advance in the Events Calendar. Please listen to, or read the
conversation in advance. Feel free to bring your lunch.
You can learn more about the Civil Conversations Project on the On Being website, or contact Barb Murray with any questions.