The Religious Education Program at A2U2
Welcome to our vibrant and engaging religious education program for children and youth! Our program is designed with big goals in mind – we want our young people to develop strong Unitarian Universalist identities, learn spiritual practices, build trusting relationships, understand the fundamentals of our faith, and, of course, have fun!
Religious education programming is held most Sundays of the regular church year from the Sunday after Labor Day to mid-June. We begin in the sanctuary to enjoy the first part of worship and then are sung out following the Lamplighting ritual. During this ritual, the flame from our sanctuary chalice is used to light a lamp that the children carry to their RE spaces. The light is then transferred to chalices in those rooms, marking the beginning of RE sessions. This happens around 10:15am.
RE sessions offer opportunities for children and youth to explore concepts and learn together as a blended cohort. Junior Youth, those in middle grades, and Senior Youth, those in high school also meet separately for additional programming, community service, or fun activities in the larger community.
Our youngest children may enjoy both free and lightly structured play with our childcare providers or they may wish to remain with their parents or caregivers in the sanctuary. Childcare is provided in the nursery every Sunday from 9:45am – 11:15am.
About once a month, there are all ages worship services offered that young families may attend together. These usually have more participatory elements, movement, or themes and rituals that are particularly enjoyable for children and youth.
Every Sunday, our sanctuary features a VIP area right up front. This area, anchored by our cloud couch, is filled with fun objects that engage hands and calm spirits. There are art supplies, books, silicon stackers, kaleidoscopes, dancing scarves and other items ready to enhance a child’s worship experience. VIP stands for Very Inquisitive People!
We provide an inclusive, and stimulating environment for children and youth to explore their spirituality, create meaningful relationships, ask the big questions, and be nurtured in a multigenerational community.
Children here are the future leaders in our faith and in our communities and we respect them as such.
If you think Unitarian Universalism might be part of your family’s journey – whether for a day or for decades – come visit us!
If you have already visited or know your children will be involved for more than a session or two, please fill out this short registration form so we know more about your child’s needs while they are here.
We are excited you’re here!
Emily’s website is here:
Emily’s blog is here: