Letter from the Board of Trustees Regarding A2U2 Ministry
Dear Members and Friends of A2U2,
As you all know by now, Rev. Tara will be with us through the end of this church year. We are very grateful to Rev. Tara for helping us reflect on our past few years, re-energize, and rejoice on all we have accomplished.
After thorough research, reflection, and conversations with our UUA partners, the Board is very excited to share with you that we have unanimously decided to enter the search process for a Developmental Minister.
Like most other congregations, COVID brought with it, ministry disruptions and unexpected transitions that left many of us feeling unsettled. Developmental ministry is designed to support congregations in finding their direction, achieving their short and long-term goals, and moving toward greater organizational health and personal growth.
Rev. Tara started this work with us, and we will look for a new minister who will continue it.
Developmental ministers serve for 5-7 years and are chosen from an experienced and skilled group of candidates recommended by the UUA transitions team. This pool has been mostly unaffected by the shortage of other types of UU ministers.
There is a lot to talk about and more information will be provided as we proceed. The process will include asking for your thoughts and hopes for our next ministry. The board cannot do this alone. This will take the support and involvement of everyone.
Here is a link to an information sheet containing additional comments and answers to some questions. Please reach out to any board member if you would like to discuss this.
Ann Packard, President