Moving Forward Together
There are many ways we are moving forward together:
Our attendance on Zoom is impressive. Our children are loving the activities provided by our wonderful DRE, Emily Jones and volunteers.
Our choir has met throughout the pandemic, recording voices when in-person singing was not possible and singing in-person with joy.
SEG groups, Social Justice group, Food Coop, Men’s Group and many others have been active and engaged.
The Board has met countless times.
We continue to add new and enthusiastic members to our congregation. This has not been easy, and surely we have more challenges than any of us counted on.
But the beat continues to go on as we focus on what is really important to all of us. We are awesome!
Do not doubt this: The members of Allen Avenue Unitarian Universalist Church are strong, resilient, loving, connected and determined to Move Forward Together.
And so we shall!