The Ministerial Search Committee (MSC) is dedicated to the task of earning and maintaining your trust in the process of searching for a new minister. Our goals are to learn from each and every one of you about what we all value, and to keep you up-to-date about our progress.

We also want to make sure you understand the process. Here’s a high-level overview of our timeline, with details about each section below. Items in green are milestones that we’ve completed.





Retreat – August 2019

The seven members of the ministerial search committee (MSC) met with UU Transition Coach, Laura Graham, for a weekend retreat and kick-off.

Congregational Survey – September and October 2019

A vital part of the search process is understanding who we are as a congregation, who we want to become, and what kind of minister can help us achieve our goals. To gather this information, we’ll review the results of last year’s house meetings, and we’re also conducting a congregational survey.

The survey should take about 20 minutes to complete, and it will be available online as well as on paper. The questions cover all aspects of your relationship to the church and Unitarian Universalism. The results will be used by the search committee and our potential minister as a way of getting to know the congregation better. 

A high rate of participation is necessary to getting a complete picture of our congregation, and it’s important to searching ministers. Please participate! 

Beyond Categorical Thinking Workshop – November 23-24, 2019

The Beyond Categorical Thinking program is designed to promote inclusive thinking and to help prevent unfair discrimination in the ministerial search process. It starts with a 3-hour Saturday workshop for the whole congregation to look at issues around race/ethnicity, gender/gender identity, visible and invisible disabilities and health concerns, and sexual orientation. This is followed by a Sunday service on the topic. 

Completing the program shows members and potential ministers that the congregation is committed to full equality and continued learning about anti-oppression. We hope you’ll be able to participate in this event. 

Congregational Record – November and December 2019

In order for searching ministers and congregations to find a good match, each must prepare an online profile. A2U2 will follow an outline put together by the UUA to create a Congregational Record, which has all the information prospective ministers would want to know about us, including the results of our survey.

Reviewing Candidates – January 2020

In early January, the MSC will begin reviewing the profiles of ministers who have expressed interest in A2U2. After going through the profiles, we’ll follow-up with video interviews as needed to narrow down our options. By the end of January, we’ll have a list of three pre-candidates. 

Note that confidentiality about prospective ministers is critical. The MSC will not be able to share any of those details with the congregation.

Pre-Candidating Weekends – February and March 2020

During February and March, the MSC will invite each of the three pre-candidates up for a weekend. These pre-candidating weekends will include:

  • A more extensive interview
  • Tours of the facilities and surrounding community
  • A service presented by the pre-candidate at a neutral pulpit

Again, confidentiality is key, which means only members of the MSC will interact with the pre-candidates or know details of the weekend activities.

Candidating Week – April and May 2020

After evaluating and discussing the pre-candidates, the MSC will propose a final candidate to the congregation. That candidate, along with their partner and/or children, will come to A2U2 from April 26 to May 3 for candidating week. 

During this time, the candidate will:

  • Preach at both services for two consecutive Sundays 
  • Meet with key committees and groups
  • Meet with staff
  • Participate in social gatherings and other events
  • Interact with members

After the second Sunday service, the congregation will vote on whether to call the new minister. If the vote passes, and the minister accepts, it’s time to celebrate! The new minister will start in Fall 2020.


If you have any questions about this process, please contact our chair, Pauli Juneau. You can also find out more about the MSC members here.