The Varieties of Spiritual Practice

With apologies to William James for playing off the title of his famous work, The Varieties of Religious Experience! Please join Susie Hubley as she looks at the many different ways people access whatever it is they find sacred or representative of a higher truth. Susie’s spiritual practices include walking, meditating, growing flowers, and taking pictures. What are yours? The service will include time for sharing.

Susie has been a member of A2U2 since 2015. She is a member of the Worship Committee, Pastoral Care Team, Dawn Redwood Meditation Group, and the church Knitting Ministry. She’s a Buddhist as well as a UU. She likes to garden, walk, and take pictures.

This will be a single indoor service at 10 AM.

Masks are now optional, but encouraged.

You can download the Order of Service here.

The service will be streamed live via Zoom, using this link.

And if you are a member, you can contribute online to the offertory by logging in to Breeze and clicking Give Now in the menu bar.

Visitors and Friends can contribute by visiting our website and clicking on Donate at the upper right of the homepage or the Donate button at the bottom of the page.

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