Applying Patience

Dear church,

Happy March! We’re making our way towards spring, though as I’m writing this snow is coming down. I know the days are getting lighter, but I could do without the snow. I’m seriously ready for spring. Truth be told, I’m working on patience in general. On waiting. Making home in the unknown… trusting. It’s HARD!

I am reminded by the teachings of Buddhism that we can see all of life as our teacher if we choose. Times of in-between, be it weather or something else, can be rich with possibility for transformation. We know that under the snow our seeds are, indeed, growing.

I just started reading a new book – By Bread Alone: A Baker’s Reflections on Hunger, Longing, and the Goodness of God by Kendall Vanderslice (yes, that is her real last name!!). And it has inspired me to take up, in this time of waiting for spring, the spiritual practice of bread!

I am NOT a baker. I enjoy cooking, but baking requires an attentiveness to directions and MEASURING STUFF that I don’t enjoy. But I found a recipe for bread that is truly beginner friendly. Simple. No kneading. Only 4 ingredients. The kicker is, you have to wait 24 hours for it to rise. In other words… Before you get any bread, you have to be patient.

Spirit had a lesson for me here. The very spiritual practice I felt called to as I try to be a little more patient itself requires patience. Life is funny like that, isn’t it?

So, as my Christian friends are fasting for Lent, I’ll be eating bread. And waiting. And discovering flour on every surface in my kitchen. And trying to be a little less in control of everything, a little less fearful, a little less grumbly about the snow and mud. Perhaps I will come out on the other side–like the bread after 24 hours of yeast doing what yeast does–transformed.

What are you waiting for this season?

How might you use this sacred time of in-between?

I’d love to hear about it! As always, feel free to reach out. You know how to get in touch.

In faith (and with patience),

Rev. Tara