Author Archives: George Hixon

Leaning In to Community

Greetings, all –

This week’s message is full of information about the opportunity-filled weekend coming up as we prepare ourselves for MLK weekend and Monday’s Inauguration. Take a look at what’s ahead and see where you can join in!

Saturday – Portland Peoples March (formerly Women’s March from 2016) beginning … read more.

To Be a Balm

A2U2 members and friends,

I had such a wonderful time on Sunday worshiping together and receiving our Star Words for this 2025 year! I’ve got my word up on my office bulletin board–confidence–and I’ve been pondering what it might be asking of me as we crest … read more.

Short Days, Long Nights

Dear ones,

I hope this finds you warm and well on this soggy day. Thanks to Katrina for this photo from last Sunday which brings feelings of warmth and light!

My gratitude in advance to all those of you who have been working so hard to prepare … read more.

Carving Out Some Time

Greetings, church!

Blessings to you each and all this Thanksgiving morning. A complicated holiday for so many reasons. Whatever headspace you find yourself in today, please know I am thinking of you.

If you’d like to connect with A2U2 friends today, I am hosting a Zoom call … read more.

Vote With Love in Mind

All Hallows Eve greetings to you, A2U2!

I hope you might find some joy today whether it’s a small human in costume or the perfect piece of chocolate. And I am sending special well wishes for the practicing pagans in our church community who observe Samhain, … read more.

Some Things Can Only Be Carried

Dear friends,

In her book It’s OK That You’re Not OK, Megan Devine writes of heartache that can’t be cured: “There is pain in this world that you can’t be cheered out of. You don’t need solutions. You don’t need to move on from your grief. You need … read more.

How Is It With Your Spirit?

Dear friends,

How is it with your spirit? Take a breath and notice.

As the days grow shorter and temperatures cool, the political scene in America continues to ramp up as does the violence across the globe. I don’t know about you, but I am feeling the … read more.

Focusing on “Truth”

Greetings, church!

I hope this finds you well and enjoying a string of gorgeous fall days in Maine.

While some of you will be traveling for the long weekend, I hope that those of you staying home will come to church and honor Indigenous Peoples Day Weekend … read more.