Transition and Transformation

Dear church,

How is it with your spirit these May days?

For me, because my body and heart seem to follow the ebbs and flows of the church year, late spring always pulls me into a reflective space as I prepare for the end of our program year and time away. And then a new beginning come fall. And I know I’m not the only one!

Many of you have been working on annual reports. Our children and youth spent their RE session last week reflecting on what they learned and how they’ve grown and deepened. Your Board and I completed an evaluation on our shared ministry just last night. This taking stock of where we’ve been and where we are now is holy work.

In our final Coming of Age session last week, Emily and I talked with the youth about transition and transformation. Well, we meant just to talk about transformation, one of the core values of our living tradition of Unitarian Universalism. But it brought up a fascinating conversation about the difference between external transition and internal transformation. Things can change without us transforming. And we can transform without anything outside of us changing.

How have things changed for you this church year?

How do you find yourself different?

Where are you seeing transformation in our community and in your own life and soul?

(A monarch chrysalis outside the RE wing at A2U2, August 2023)

To be attentive to these questions is to take seriously our individual and communal faith formation. And we will be celebrating just that, Faith Formation, on Sunday in worship with the annual RE Sunday service led by Emily and me – “The Dreams We Plant”. We’ll sing and share words and stories, as well as enjoy a wonderful video of the 2023-34 RE year. Much to look back on and celebrate! I hope you will join us.

Until I see you, take good care.

In faith,

Rev. Tara