Dear Church,
Laura and I are grateful for the well wishes you shared as I’ve been caring for her post-surgery. She is indeed on the mend and life is returning to normal for us. I spent time this past week reflecting on what it means to be a caregiver and sinking into solidarity with those of you (I know there are MANY) for whom caregiving has been or currently is a big part of your life.
I’ve known you long enough now to know that you care for children and aging parents. You care for your family members with mental illness and physical ailments. You care for your spouses and partners struggling in mind, body, and spirit. Some of you have cared for loved ones in their last days and moments. You have been strong, a
nd you have been changed. It has been a gift to hear some of those stories.
All to say, to care for those we love, sometimes in the most mundane, material ways (doling out meds, cleaning, feeding) is HARD and holy work. This week I found solace in a piece by Kate Bowler, “A Blessing for Those Who Keep Watch Over the Sick”. May it bless you, as well.
So bless the ones with the courage to walk all the way to the edge, who peer over the cliff…
And feel the updraft of the abyss, and who will do it all over again tomorrow.
Blessed are the hospital-room organizers
And question askers
And the more-ice-chips-please gatherers.
The absolutely, yes, this hard-backed chair is perfectly comfortable sleepers
And over-the-top pray-ers and weekly-infusion-companioners.
Blessed are the cool-cloth bringers
And the wake-up-to-get-the-meds alarmists
And the I-don’t-mind-taking-you-to-
Blessed are the ones who stand, unblinking into the truth.
No matter how terrifying, no matter how life-altering.
No matter how inconvenient or unbecoming.
No matter how much it costs them.
Because that is the kind of love that sticks.
You are blessed, and you are a blessing to those around you. If you could use some care, don’t hesitate to reach out. I always love hearing from you.
With love,
Rev, Tara