Date(s) - 10/07/2018
12:30 pm - 2:30 pm
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Barb Murray and Mike Luce will once again be co-facilitating these conversations from the radio podcasts of Krista Tippett’s “On Being” online project. We will be hosting them the first and third Sundays of each month, beginning in October.
The first podcast interview is with Angel Kyodo Williams, who is one of our wisest voices on social evolution and the spiritual aspect of social healing. And for those of us who are not monastics, she says, “The world is our field of practice.” To sink into conversation with her is to imagine and nourish a transformative potential of this moment towards human wholeness.
We will meet in the Memorial Room at 12:30. Feel free to bring your lunch. This is an inspiring interview….a soft landing back into our conversations. Listen to or read the transcript prior to the gathering and bring your reflections. Here is the link for this particular interview.