Date(s) - 02/03/2019
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
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Barb Murray and Mike Luce will once again be co-facilitating these conversations from the radio podcasts of Krista Tippett’s “On Being” online project. We will be hosting them the first and third Sundays of each month.
This Sunday Walter Bruggemann and Krista Tippet talk about “The Prophetic Imagination”.
Walter Brueggemann is one of the world’s great teachers about the prophets who both anchor the Hebrew Bible and have transcended it across history. “The task is reframing,” he says, “so that we can re-experience the social realities that are right in front of us, from a different angle. Here is an excerpt from the conversation:
MS. TIPPETT: I heard you speak very poignantly this morning to preachers about the fact that there are things that can’t be said from the pulpit. You said there are silences, that it’s hard to break. Following on the way we’re talking about this, it’s hard for preachers, religious leaders, to adopt this prophetic voice or draw on these prophetic themes. Even if you and I talk about this, it’s kind of a difficult conversation to have in this culture, right?
MR. BRUEGGEMANN: It’s very difficult, and I think the difficulty is that all of us, liberals and conservatives, are basically contained in the ideology of consumer capitalism. We want that to be our universe of meaning. And when you get a poetic articulation that moves outside of that, it’s just too anxiety-producing for most of us, so we try to stop that kind of talk. In a local church, obviously, people have a lot of leverage for being able to stop that kind of talk.
We are learning together in Civil Conversations to have those very deep conversations. Here is your link to this conversation.
We will meet in the Memorial Room at 12:30. Feel free to bring your lunch. Listen to or read the transcript prior to the gathering and bring your reflections.