Date(s) - 01/13/2019
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Categories No Categories
Do you have a child in grades 7-9 who would benefit from the Our Whole Lives (OWL) Sexuality Education program? This is an excellent opportunity for young people to experience a positive and comprehensive lifespan educational program. It helps participants gain the knowledge, values, and skills to lead sexually healthy, responsible lives.
Allen Avenue UU will be offering this program starting the afternoon of Sunday, January 27, 2019, running until approximately April 7, 2019. In order for your child to attend, you need to go to the Parent Orientation on January 13, 2019. So we can plan appropriately, we need to know if your child will be participating, preferably by November 30 – please email our Director of Religious Education, Bob Moseley (, and cc the three OWL leaders: Gidge Veilleux (, Tina Veilleux ( and Cathy Rasco ( to let them know.
While A2U2 youth have absolute priority for this offering, we will likely open up some slots to other local UU congregation to round out the numbers. Our maximum capacity will likely be 15 participants.
Our leaders for this program are Gidge Veilleux, Tina Veilleux and Cathy Rasco. They’ve led several OWL trainings in the past and bring a wealth of knowledge and experience that will be extremely helpful for all participants.
With their guidance, young adolescents going through this program will learn to:
– Affirm and respect themselves as sexual persons (including their bodies, sexual orientation, feelings, etc.) and respect the sexuality of others.
– Gain increased comfort and skills for discussing and negotiating sexuality issues with peers, romantic partners, and people of other generations.
– Explore, develop, and articulate values, attitudes, and feelings about their own sexuality and the sexuality of others.
– Identify and live according to their values.
– Improve their motivation and skills for developing a just, sexual morality that rejects double standards, stereotypes, biases, exploitation, dishonesty, and harassment.
– Acquire knowledge and skills for developing and maintaining romantic or sexual relationships that are consensual, mutually pleasurable, nonexploitative, safe, and based on respect, mutual expectations and caring.
– Increase knowledge and skills for avoiding unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.
– Express and enjoy sexuality in healthy and responsible ways at each stage of their development.
– Assess the impact of messages from family, culture, religion, media, and society on sexual thoughts, feelings, values, and behaviors.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our DRE, Bob Moseley. And please don’t forget to contact us if you’d like your child to participate.