Focusing on the Sacred

December blessings to you, A2U2 friends!

I hope you had safe travels, stayed healthy, and got some good rest last week. The most meaningful part of my Thanksgiving was, by far, our shared time of connection over Zoom. I left with a heart full of gratitude for the depth of connection and love in this community. Thank you!

This past Sunday I had the opportunity to attend worship at the church in my neighborhood. I was inspired by a comment the pastor made when acknowledging the beginning of the holiday season. “Many of us try to make our holiday celebrations and traditions perfect,” she said. “But this year, instead of trying to make them perfect, let’s focus on making them sacred.” I let out a deep breath. I am not perfect. Nor is anything I touch! But sacred? That I can handle! And so that is my invitation to you as we journey together through this winter holiday season… to look for the sacred. And when you can’t find it, create it.

Though my holiday break was restful, I did spend most of it working in a different way! This week I am serving on a panel with the UUA’s Ministerial Fellowship Committee (our credentialing body) as they evaluate candidates for UU ministry. In preparation, I read and took notes on over 1,000 pages of candidate portfolios. I’ll be fully immersed in Zoom-Land from Wednesday evening to Sunday afternoon. I am anticipating some screen fatigue, but I am truly grateful for the invitation to serve our larger movement in this way. I have already learned so much and I can’t wait to share it with you upon my return!

Blessings to each of you who journey to the Holiday Artisan Fair on Saturday, and to worship on Sunday. I wish you well and look forward to seeing you soon.  As always, if you’d like to schedule a time to connect, please send me an email! .

In faith,

Rev. Tara