Benefits and responsibilities of membership
The Members of the Allen Ave. Unitarian Universalist Church in Portland Maine are able to vote at congregational meetings, and help to shape the direction of our church. Our church is a democracy, and members are involved in important decisions, such as the calling of a new minister, the adoption of congregational stands on issues in the larger community, changes to the facility, and budget issues.
Members can serve as Committee chairpersons, or in certain Ministries of the church, such as our Pastoral Care Team, or on the Board of Trustees. Members also have access to the services of the minister and use of the church facilities for weddings, memorial services and child dedications, without paying an additional fee beyond their regular contributions.
Every new member is asked to make a pledge of time, talent, and treasure. Taking part in the shared ministry with your volunteer time means that you are co-ministering to your religious community. Making a financial pledge, of an amount that fits your financial circumstances, means that the church is able to maintain the facilities, hire the staff, and create the programs that make a difference in the lives of the members of the church and the larger community.
Attending congregational meetings, informing oneself about the issues before the congregation, and voting according to one’s conscience and for the greater good of the community make the democracy of the congregation stronger and more representative.
Contact Diane Oberbeck, Chair of the Membership Committee, for more information on becoming a member.