Let Us Covenant

A2U2 Community,

May this note find you healthy and well.

I’ve been fighting the fall cold this week so if you see me in a mask on Sunday that is my trying to make sure you don’t catch it!

This Sunday is all about covenant. The promises we make to one another about how we will be in community together. The embodiment of our wanting to be our best selves and love one another fully, even though we’ll make mistakes. I have a video to share from Emily Jones on The Strength of Covenant which I hope you’ll enjoy and find as helpful framing. Thanks Emily!

Sunday will look like this:

10-11 worship

11-11:30 lunch (in-person) / zoom coffee hour / bio break (virtual)

11:30-12:30 workshop breakout groups / Zoom workshop / abbreviated parent group

12:30 Zoom folks & parents with kids wrap up / everyone else returns to the sanctuary

12:30-1:30 large group discussion in the sanctuary

1:30 wrap up! Stay to help stack chairs and clean up if you’re able.

Zoomers will use the SAME LINK as WORSHIP! And if you haven’t registered but end up staying, that’s OK! We’d love to have you in-person or online.

FOR THOSE WHO CAN’T JOIN US, WE STILL WANT YOUR THOUGHTS! Please fill out this online form and we will include your responses in our notes from which the drafted language of our covenant will come.

I also want to give you a heads up that I will be on study leave next week! On Monday I fly to Montgomery, AL, for a 5-day transitional ministry training with the UUA. I will not be checking email and will be out of the pulpit on Sunday 10/8 (Worship Committee will be leading service). If you need anything next week related to church business, please email Ann Packard apackard@icloud.com, Board President. In the event of a pastoral emergency please text or call my cell phone.

See you in church!

Rev. Tara

Fun at Ferry beach last weekend!