Greetings, church!
I hope you’ve enjoyed these last few sunny, cool days as much as I have. What a glorious gift.
I met with your Board of Trustees last night for our first meeting of the year. I shared with them how proud I am of you all, of us. There is a palpable sense of aliveness and joy on Sunday mornings. We’re still emerging from this pandemic time into a new season of church life, a new season for Unitarian Universalism… we don’t know exactly what the future holds but I am proud of how we are choosing to emerge. You’re rockin’ it, folks! And let’s keep rockin’ it by getting flu shots and boosters and masking up in crowds. I want us all healthy as we enter more deeply into fall and the work and fun ahead.
On Sunday I’ll be back in the pulpit preaching two reflections on the theme of cultivating a prophetic imagination. We’ll reflect together on the question… What IS a prophet? And what does it mean to use our imaginations in building the present and the future? What makes a prophetic imagination? Reflection one will be about dreaming. And reflection two, about putting our dreams into action. I hope you and your families will join us in person or online!
I also encourage you to join us at Ferry Beach after worship for an all-church picnic! It’s going to be a blast. And the following Sunday, October 1st, stay after worship for lunch and a workshop on covenant – the first step in building our congregational covenant of right relationship! If you haven’t RSVP’d yet, please do so here:
My favorite gem of wisdom so far this week came from a poem I heard. One of the lines reads, “mistakes are ways of knowing.” I immediately wrote it down to read again and again and again. As things get busy, especially after a time away while I’m readjusting to the fall, I always make a few mistakes here and there. It’s such a good reminder to me, to us all, that they are simply how we learn. And how we learn is how we know. So may this gem be a balm to your spirit this week, too.
It’s good to be imperfectly among you, beloved and imperfect community. We’ve got this.
With a boatload of grace,
Rev. Tara