Dear A2U2,
Well… our STORMS service on Sunday sure seems to have ushered in what is, hopefully, the last Nor’easter of the season! May this note find you with power and driveway mounds melting.
This Sunday we’ll be reflecting together on what it means to be part of a faith tradition that celebrates change. As I’ve shared with you already this winter, there are some big changes underway in our Unitarian Universalist movement. We, Unitarian Universalists, are in the process of re-writing the section of our bylaws (called Article 2) that contain the 7 Principles and 6 Sources, which are beloved to many UUs.
The 7 Principles and 6 Sources are core to what many of us understand our faith to be. Who are we without these principles and sources? What about the 8th principle? What’s replacing them? Who decides? Why must we change? Do I get a say?
We will wrestle with these questions together. And since I’ll have to hop right from worship over to the New to UU class beginning at 11:15, I won’t have time to answer questions or discuss the service with you.
To remedy that, I’ll be hosting a UU Principles Reflection Circle on Monday 3/20, 5-6pm on Zoom. The link is on the Breeze events calendar. Please mark your calendar and consider joining me to ask questions and reflect with others on how this change lands in your heart, mind, and spirit. This change is, as they say, “a biggie”. Change is hard, but it can be good if we stay curious and open to transformation.
See you in church!
Rev. Tara