Some of us UUs are navel gazers, peering within to see what’s what with us, and sometimes finding fault. Are we too homogeneous? they worry. Or too individualistic? Privileged? Racist? We on the Worship Committee applaud these acts of self-examination and the chance they give us to polish ourselves toward perfection. But we also think we should sometimes shine the light on things we already do well. Join us at this service as we speak of just a few -– even at the risk of sounding self-satisfied – which could be another fault.
This will be a single indoor service at 10 AM.
Masks are now optional, but encouraged.
You can download the Order of Service here.
The service will be streamed live via Zoom, using this link.
If you are unable to attend live, the service will be viewable on our YouTube channel later in the week. And consider subscribing to our YouTube channel to keep up-to-date with future uploads.
And if you are a member, you can contribute online to the offertory by logging in to Breeze and clicking Give Now in the menu bar.
Visitors and Friends can contribute by visiting our website and clicking on Donate at the upper right of the homepage or the Donate button at the bottom of the page.
Or you can simply click here: