Sharing Our Ministry

I am still smiling from a joyous weekend of 200th anniversary celebration and Ingathering. Thank you to all who made that joy possible! In the many stacks of books, papers, and notes scribbled on the back of things covering the desk in my home office, I discovered a quote I had saved (from who knows what!) by Gordon McKeeman: “Ministry is what we all do – together.” This week was a beautiful reminder of just that. 

This Sunday in worship, Rev. Christina Sillari will be joining you in the sanctuary as guest preacher and sharing a message about navigating liminal spaces and times in our lives. Though I hate to leave you after just beginning, I’ll be out of town for a good reason- to celebrate my brother’s wedding! I’ll gather with you again on September 25th to explore how the beginnings in our lives give us an opportunity to shape what’s to come. And how for us, as members and friends of a faith community, the way we choose to gather and covenant one another can become strong containers for our moving forward. 

Speaking of covenants, I have some exciting news to share! I, with the blessing of your Board, have invited Allen Avenue’s previous minister, Rev. Myke Johnson, and her partner Margy, to return to the church community as friends (and members if and when they choose) of A2U2. When ministers retire or leave a congregation, they take space from that congregation and hold strong boundaries in order for the new minister to build relationships with their new congregants. Rev. Myke has taken space for four years and she and I have built a relationship as colleagues. We worked together to develop a covenant to clarify our roles, boundaries, and how we will support one another. You may see Rev. Myke and Margy at an event, or on Zoom. We ask that you respect Myke’s role as a community member and not a minister of the church. And if you haven’t met Myke and Margy, introduce yourself! They’re gems. 

Because of my travels, my in-person office days next week will be Tuesday and Thursday. If you’d like to meet, please send me an email ( and we can find a time. Until then, may your days be blessed. 

In faith, Rev. Tara