Happy May, dear ones!
I look forward to seeing many of you on Saturday at Ferry Beach for the annual Tri-Church retreat! I have been to Ferry Beach just once before, on this same retreat years ago as a member of Auburn UU. So I’m looking forward to being back at the beach and to deepening my relationships with you in a more casual way.
For those of you not attending Ferry Beach, I’ll see you Sunday. Our worship service will focus on the spiritual practice of REST. What might the ancient practice of Sabbath have to teach us about letting go and saying “no” ? What spiritual gifts emerge in the quiet moments of life? It will be a gift to be together, and we’ll even have some special music from Noel and Marie Genova. Join us!
What in your life is reminding you to pause and breathe these busy days? A grandchild? Emerging seedlings? A nest outside your window?
In a few days perhaps it will be the ocean waves or our voices joined in song.
Until then, may you be well.
In faith,
Rev. Tara