Dear friends,
Thank you to the many folks who have reached out about my staying on as Developmental Minister here at A2U2. It was quite a discernment process! I feel deeply called to our work of shared ministry and am very grateful to be among you as we both carry on with our current ministry as well as look ahead to what’s next.
Do take a moment to thank your Board and Search Committee when you see them around… they put so much time and energy into the internal candidate process the last few weeks and spent a number of late nights on Zoom in addition to their regular church work. They are an amazing group!
This whole process has had me thinking a lot about what it means to be “called”. Because we are all called in our own ways in our own lives. Who calls us? God? Our community? A deep sense of knowing? What does it feel like? Is it a job? A vocation? Something we feel we need to focus on? What happens when we don’t listen? Or when we do?
I invite you to think this week about what, perhaps, has been your calling in the past. And what might be calling you now, in this phase and moment of your life. And share with me if you’d like! I’d love to hear.
I’ll be out of the pulpit this Sunday and the Worship Committee will lead a service on loneliness. Another rich topic. I’ll be back the following Sunday (2/4) to kick-off February with you and honor Imbolc, the pagan recognition and celebration of the very beginning of spring. What shall we plant this year?!
Grace and peace,
Rev. Tara
(Photo by Emily Jones– chalice on a log from Building the Beloved Community Fort RE session on 1/21/24)